LinDB on GitHub
  1. Admin Console
  2. Cluster monitoring


Dashboard is a self-monitoring page that comes with LinDB, the internal real-time status of each component is available in the relevant dashboards

For specific metric descriptions, refer to Metric


Broker Dashboard

Broker QueryTask, Request/Response
IngestionBroker ingestion traffic, io, duration
Broker WriteBroker write count、statistics
Broker CoordinatorBroker coordination monitoring
Master CoordinatorMaster node coordination monitoring
Master ControllerMaster election monitoring
Concurrent PoolConcurrency pool monitoring
Concurrent LimitConcurrency pool limiter
Network TCPConnection, Traffic, I/O
Network GRPCClient/Server Stream
RuntimeGolang runtime
SystemNode system, such as CPU, memory, disk

Storage Dashboard

Storage QueryTask, Request/Response
WALWrite Ahead Log(ingestion, writing, replication)
Local ReplicationConsuming logs locally from WAL to write TSDB
Remote ReplicationStorage leader consumes WAL logs and copies the data to the follower node
Storage CoordinatorStorage Coordination
TSDB WriteFamily Write,Memory Database Write
TSDB JobFlush Operation
KV ReadKV Read Traffic、Count
KV WriteKV Write Traffic、Count
KV JobKV Flush, Compaction
Concurrent PoolConcurrency pool
Network TCPConnection, Traffic, I/O
Network GRPCClient/Server Stream
RuntimeGo runtime
SystemNode system, such as CPU, memory, disk


Database replication status mainly includes the following status:

  • Basic state information of the database, such as the number of replicas;
  • Replica distribution and replication status, such as channels delay information;
  • Local replication write.


There are 2 modes viewing replica status, which can be switched through the button on the right side of the Replication State:

  • Mode 1: Perspective of the distribution of replicas in each Storage node, and show whether there is a replication delay, mouse hover to a shard will display replication of each channel in it;

Replication shardsReplication shards

  • Mode 2: Perspective of replication channels under all shards, Shard/Family related filtering and filtering is supported

Replication familiesReplication families


Write status of the local replica:

  • Write status of each memory-database;

  • Each leader's writing pointer status;

  • Mode 1: Perspective of writing status of all memory databases under all shards, Shard/Family related filtering and filtering is supported

Memory database writeMemory database write

  • Mode 2: Perspective of all active families under all shards, Shard/Family related filtering and filtering is supported

Memory database replicaMemory database replica


Browse for LinQL that is currently executing in the cluster

Memory database replicaMemory database replica

Log View

Log View allows users to browse log files on all nodes in the cluster and displays related logs.

Log viewLog view